Validate a QST Registration Number


You can use this service to validate a business’s QST registration number.

You can also use this service to validate the QST registration number of a supplier outside Québec. Effective January 1, 2019, certain suppliers outside Québec must register for the QST and collect the tax on certain taxable supplies they make in Québec.

To check whether a GST/HST registration number is valid, use the GST/HST registry online service available on the Government of Canada website.

A business cannot claim input tax refunds (ITRs) on the purchase of property (corporeal or incorporeal) or a service from a supplier outside Québec that is registered for the QST (with a registration number beginning with “NR”), even if the property or service is acquired in the course of the business’s commercial activities. See the Input Tax Credits (ITCs) and Input Tax Refunds (ITRs) | Revenu Québec ( page for more information.

Registration number to be validated

If the registration number you are trying to validate has only nine digits, this means the business is a selected listed financial institution and that we have mandated the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to administer the QST collected by the business. To validate such a registration number, use the GST/HST registry on the Government of Canada website.
Make sure the number you have is the QST registration number. If the number you are validating starts with 11, 22 or 33, it may be the Québec enterprise number (NEQ) assigned to the business by the Registraire des entreprises.